Wisdom, wit , and woo hoo!!

I have a new gig! Should I call myself Andi Brown Enterprises? I type the name of my alleged new company, then chuckle at my own foolishness, as there is no such entity. Nor do I want there to be. I desire neither the big responsibility, fancy title or, especially, the workload such “enterprises” might entail.

Seriously, I just wondered how my name would look on the letterhead. Wait a minute, who uses letterhead any more? Wait another minute. Half of you probably don’t know what that is.

Anyway, I do want to kvell (Yiddish meaning express pride) because… i have a new gig!

Oh yeah, already told you that. My friend Vivian told her gerontologist friend Maribeth about my blog. Turns out Maribeth works with an organization that provides training for people who work with elders. I met with two staffers and the upshot is I am making three five-minute videos about Parkinson’s. One will feature me sharing my personal story; another on resources; and a third on what people with Parkinson’s can do to slow disease progression.

I’ve just completed the third script and now it’s off to the “ script doctor” i.e. Maribeth. Once she gets approval from the studio heads and producers, filming can commence. I believe I am to be both cinematographer and director for this Zoom production. The big question remains: who shall I wear?

And from here on in (just for now) I am no longer the star of this blog. I’ve been replaced by someone who is unbelievably talented and wiser than I’d ever imagined. What follows is a link to a compendium of her pearls of wisdom. But first, a few sample quotes.

If you want the rainbow, you’ve gotta put up with the rain.

I always thought if you see someone without a smile, give ‘em yours.

I look like a woman but I think like a man. I’ve done business with men who think I’m as silly as I look. By the time they realize I’m not, I’ve got the money and gone.”

I stumbled upon these while looking for something else and wow! Talk about inspiration! Talk about wisdom! I had no idea, up here in my little Boston bubble. I could name just one song of hers, which you will surely be familiar with.

She is one in a million. Truly.

Ladie and gentlemen, I give you the one and only, they-broke-the-mold-when- they-made-her Dolly Parton (link to more wisdom) who offers something witty and wise to guide us in just about everything.

Let’s all be more Dolly!


You know. What else could it be? I’m going to watch Dolly, alongside Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, in the now-classic 1980 film Nine to Five. I hope you enjoy it if you decide to watch.

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