Parky Conversations: Podcast Coming Soon!

Parky Conversations: Let’s Talk About Parkinson’s

In the next few weeks, you will embark on a learning adventure, featuring all sorts of things about this very weird disease called Parkinson’s.

I will be hosting a podcast that I hope will fascinate, and answer some of your questions about Parkinson’s, whether you have the disease, you’re caring for someone who does, or you’re just someone with a curious mind.

I’ve rounded up some people with Parkinson’s (known as PwP’s, people with Parkinson’s, also known as Parkies) from all over, and they are truly amazing. We’ll also be featuring scientists, physicians and others who will get at the “whys” and “how’s” of this confounding illness.

You’ll meet Nikki, a former business consultant-turned-painter, whose hidden artistic yearnings surfaced alongside her Parkinson’s diagnosis. Then you’ll hear from a physician/scientist who can explain more about the creative surge among Parkies.

Singing to ward off disease progression? Really? Yup, you’ll find out the benefits of singing, especially in a group. Full disclosure: I’m part of a Parkinson’s chorus, cleverly dubbed The Tremble Clefts. And no, some of you have heard me sing and you’ll be glad to learn that my songstress days, at least as a soloist in public, are over.

What’s the first thing people tell you upon being informed of your diagnosis? Almost to a person, the reaction to my news was “I hear boxing is good for people with Parkinson’s.” Surprised? I was.

It’s also a terrific workout for anyone, and believe it or not, it’s fun. Now that I’m a boxing “insider,” I’ve floated the idea of attending an actual boxing match with a classmate, but we haven’t gotten up the nerve. Yet.

Future topics will include hallucinations (You mean those insects cavorting in my lingerie weren’t real?), young onset Parkinson’s, climbing a wall to alleviate symptoms, sleep issues and lots more. If you have an idea for a good podcast topic and/or interview subject, please let me know at

One last thing: If you want to be sure you”ll receive notification of the podcast, please do become a subscriber to this blog. Otherwise, I might miss you! And it’s free!

5 thoughts on “Parky Conversations: Podcast Coming Soon!

    1. Anonymous

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      I’d be happy to meet so do get in touch. Best,



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