And the Winner is…

Not me!

If you missed my last post, I was invited to audition for a public service announcement on Parkinson’s, to be filmed this very weekend in Toronto.

How cruel thou wast, thou agent in the business of show. Thou informed me that thou hadst to engage a citizen of the Canadian empire. Methinks the reason was to save perhaps a fortnight’s worth of farthings. I must now don battle gear (writing this at 10:00 am, still not dressed yet) for the Canadian theater.

Perhaps I shall acknowledge mine opponent ( that would be Canada) ) with a Workin’ Moms marathon, filmed in glorious Torontoland, my once hoped-for weekend destination and from now until the of time, mine sworn enemy. Indeed.

Why have I suddenly lapsed into pseudo-Shakespearean language? No idea; stuff just pops into my head. .

And now, for your viewing whatever, the weapon, requested by the agent in the business of show, that may have been the instrument of my defeat by one Citizen of Canada.


15 thoughts on “And the Winner is…

  1. Jill Tobak

    You are AWESOME!!  No doubt they were just too CHEAP to hire you!!!!!  I’m loving your blogs and now your videos.  Just shared “you” with my friend, Karen Borger, who has 2 friends with Parkinson’s.  ❤️❤️❤️


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  2. Anonymous

    Goal should be to help others; not to seek fame. Andi, you are already loved, appreciated and famous among so many.




  3. Anonymous

    Isn’t Michael J Fox Canadian? Maybe the whole thing was cover for him doing it.

    Time for Upstart Crow, methinks. (on Britbox)


  4. Linda Okun

    Love this, Andi! Canada’s loss, not yours, that the job went to someone else.

    Thought: How about hiring someone to hold script cards at eye level of a teleprompter (or getting a teleprompter…) next time?

    Love, Linda


  5. Anonymous

    please use this as a start. Join an improv group or check out local theatre. You have a whole other world beckoning you. This was meant to get you back to the stage.


  6. I did try an improv class a while ago, but I didn’t really like it. Still it’s a good thought. The problem is staying awake enough to do stuff at night. still this is an excellent idea and I’ll give it some more thought and research. Thanks.


  7. Anonymous

    Tanj! (That’s not only more satisfying to say than “Fooey”, but it’s an acronym for There Ain’t No Justice, so it seems to fit the occasion.)


  8. Anonymous

    Andi, The word ‘inspiration’ has acquired a bad rep when used in alluding to a person living with a disability. Sorry but you ARE an inspiration. Your positivity, advocacy, action, creativity and humor are just that… an inspiration!


    1. Oooh, whoever you are, you are most certainly a kind and thoughtful person. Thank you for your encouragement and for sharing your views. I can’t tell you how much I much I appreciate you. Truly!


  9. Pingback: Silver Lining Parkinson’s – Moving and Shaking

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